Ive been using this app to block ads for around 2 years and I was pretty satisfied with it. I had it on my iPhone 5 and iPad Air. My only complaint was several websites would continuously load (the spinning little circle in the status bar) because they would continually try and load the ad(s) so you had to manually hit the "x" in your browser to keep it from leeching data (although that doesnt matter too much when on wifi.) I always found this annoying and tried copying the element/link of the ad and adding to the white list but it did nothing. I was still mostly satisfied with the ads being blocked but I recently switched to an iPhone 6 and when I went to use Weblock, after I copied the link to apply to the auto proxy it would never stick, every time I left the wifi network settings and go back into it the proxy was set to off no matter how many times I repeated the process. (All my devices are on iOS 10.2) but only the iPhone 6 was doing this. So I went into the AppStore and found AdBlock and since this app did well blocking apps I figured their other app will probably work just as well. In fact, after downloading it the process is so much simpler. Rather than having to paste the link you just flip the switch on and allow the app to create a VPN. To turn Adblock off you simply switch it off, in Weblock you had to go into the app, turn the block ads setting off, disconnect and then reconnect the wifi. AdBlock is so much more convenient and you can install the on/off AdBlock switch into your widgets section which makes blocking/allowing ads so very simple. Ive also noticed AdBlock doesnt seem to have the issue of keeping a website suspended from fully loading which is another plus. So because of this I switched to AdBlock on all my iOS devices as I see no need to use Weblock when they offer a better working more convenient experience with AdBlock.
J-LeTHaL- about Weblock: adblock & proxy, v4.4